The typical health insurance policies cover typically the medical expenses related to hospitalization, Lab & X-Ray, Prescription drugs and doctor’s visits. These are what are generally referred to as major medical insurance policies.
The most common information that is required to buy life insurance policy is as follows.
HMO, PPO, HSA are the typical plans available these days. Most health insurance companies have a network of medical providers that they maintain. Within the network the health insurance companies are able to provide negotiated contractual rates to the individuals and are thus able to control the cost of healthcare. Going outside of the network can mean the insured paying more out of his or her pocket towards their healthcare costs. Other than the major medical plans there are also some ancillary health care insurance products that are commonly available. Dental insurance, Eye care plans, Critical illness plans, Hospital plans, Cancer benefit plans are some such plans. Dental & Eye care plans are quite commonly available and understood. The critical illness plans typically pay cash benefits if the insured suffers from illnesses such as Heart attack, Heart transplant as a result of heart failure, Stroke , Coronary artery bypass surgery, Coverage for cancer ,Major organ transplant, other than heart , End-stage renal failure, Loss of speech or vision, Coma, excluding vascular and cancer conditions, Permanent paralysis due to an accident. The hospital plans typically pays cash to the beneficiary named on the policy hospital confinement, outpatient surgery, and emergency room visits for a covered sickness or injury for the covered individual. The cash can be used however the beneficiary wants to spend it and does not have to used to pay the healthcare expenses.